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Professional Appointments:
1965 ‑ 1968 Lecturer, University of Glasgow (Scotland), Department of Computer Science
1968 ‑ 1973 Assistant Professor, University of Calgary, Department of Mathematics
1970 ‑ 1973 Chairman of the Division of Computing Science, University of Calgary
1973 Visiting Professor, University of St. Andrews (Scotland)
1975 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary
1978 ‑ 1981 Assistant Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Calgary
1981 ‑ 1982 Professor, Department of Computer Science, California State University, Chico
1985- 1997 Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary
1986 Given special leave to take the appointment as Historian/Curator of Computers at the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
1997-present Appointed Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
2001- 2005 Head Curator, Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California
Major Volunteer Positions
1979 – 1980: National Lecturer for the Canadian Information Processing Society
1983 – 1992 : Editorial Board of the Charles Babbage Institute (Historical Reprint Series).
1987 – 1995 : Assistant Editor-in-Chief of the Annals of the History of Computing.
1991 – 1994: History Committee of the IEEE and a member of the Board of the IEEE History Center at Rutgers University.
1994 – 1997: Member of the Executive Committee of the Calgary Institute for the Humanities.
1994- 1998: Member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Computer Science Press.
1996-1999: Appointed Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE journal Annals of the History of Computing
1996 – 1999: Member of the IEEE Computer Society Publications Board and Magazine Operations Committee.
1996: Member of the IEEE Computer Society History Committee
1996: Member of Pioneer Awards Subcommittee of the IEEE Computer Society
1996: Member of the IEEE History Committee
1998: Chairman of the IEEE Computer Society History Committee
1998 –2000: Chairman of the IEEE Computer Society History Committee.
2000-2001: Chairman of the IEEE Computer Society Pioneer Awards Committee.
2001-2004:Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Computer Society Press
2002 – 2005: Elected as a member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society
2002 2005: Vice-President (Publications) of the IEEE Computer Society.
2004 2005: Member of the Publications Board of the IEEE
2005 Elected First Vice President, IEEE Computer Society
2006 Elected to the Presidency of the IEEE Computer Society (2006 President Elect, 2007 President, 2008 Past President)
2008 – 2011: IEEE Director, Division V (Elect in 2009, Director 2010-2011)
2010 – 2011: Chair, IEEE History Committee
Honors and Awards
· C.C. Gotlieb Award – “In recognition of Outstanding Contributions to the Canadian Information Processing Society and to the Profession on CIPS behalf.” Presented by Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, May 17, 1990
· University of Calgary, Faculty of Science, Award of Excellence for Consistently Outstanding Contributions in Teaching, April 1993.
· IEEE Computer Society Certificate of Appreciation “For distinguished service to the IEEE Annals of the History of Computing as Assistant Editor-in-Chief since 1987”, February 1, 1994.
· Awarded The Order of the Good Servant (an award given to one person each year in recognition of their services to the University of Calgary Faculty Association), April 10, 1996.
· IEEE Computer Society Meritorious Service Award “For dedicated and outstanding service as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Annals between 1996 and 1999”.
· IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Member, 2005
· Honorary Doctor of Science “For contributions to computer science, particularly its history”, University of Glasgow, 2005