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ASIIN (The Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics) hosted the European Informatics Conference 2023 December 14 and 15, 2023 in Valencia, Spain. The focus of the conference was “The future of European Informatics Education – How to counter the skills shortage without compromising on quality?”. Over the conference’s two-day several presentations were delivered by key European players.
Gerald Caissy, ITCP, I.S.P. (ret.) presented a talk on “What’s going on outside Europe: – The Seoul Accord as a non-European counterpart”. Caissy is the current Deputy-Chair of the Seoul Accord, and CIPS Director of Accreditation. His talk was titled “Recognition and Accreditation Outside Europe”.
During Caissy’s talk he briefly covered the original eight accord signatories of the Seoul Accord, to todays 18 signatory membership; he then talked on the core element of the Seoul Accord criteria which is the Graduate Attributes, followed with a briefly overview of SFIA as an alternative accreditation standard for none academic organizations, and concluded with an update on the most recent Seoul Accord initiatives, such as the Seoul Accord recognition of Technologist level credential. Currently only Baccalaureate level credentials are recognized by Seoul Accord Signatories, but Technologist (typically 2 year diploma) level credential recognition by all signatories is a project Caissy has been working on with CONAIC Mexico’s Computer Professional Society.