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CIPS has developed the following position papers. For papers not currently available on the website please send an email to
Proposals for ensuring appropriate regulation of artificial intelligence – CIPS Submission to the Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada (March 13, 2020)
Discussion Paper on Consent and Privacy – CIPS Submission to the Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada (July 13, 2016)
CIPS Response RE: Bill C-13 (Feb 11, 2014) – Bill C-13: An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Canada Evidence Act, the Competition Act and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act
Re: Bill C-30 (April 30, 2012) – CIPS’ Response to Bill C-30
Improving Canada’s Digital Advantage: Strategies for Sustainable Prosperity (July 13, 2010) – A Response to the Consultation Paper on a Digital Economy Strategy for Canada by the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS)
Copyright Reform
written by Martin Kratz (September 11, 2009)
CIPS on Bill C-61, An Act to Amend the Copyright Act
Software Engineering
written by Paul G. Bassett M.Sc., I.S.P.
(October 2004)
Consultation on Lawful Access
written by John Boufford, I.S.P.
(November 15, 2002)
Comments on the Proposed Levies to be Collected for the Sale, in Canada, of Blank Audio Recording Media During the Years 2003 – 2004
written by John Boufford, I.S.P.
(May 2002)
Response to the Ontario Government’s Consultation on the Draft Privacy of Personal Information Act, 2002
written by John Boufford, I.S.P.
(March 2002)
Copyright Reform
written by John Boufford, I.S.P.
(October 5, 2001)
An opportunity for CIPS to comment on submissions made in response to proposals to reform the Copyright Act.
E-mail & Internet Surveillance
written by John Boufford, I.S.P.
(October 21, 2000)
Employers are increasingly using E-mail and Internet surveillance as a tool to protect their interests. Employers have a responsibility to respect the reasonable privacy expectations of employees and customers. The CIPS position paper on E-mail and Internet Surveillance outlines acceptable surveillance practices as a guide for IT professionals and employers.
Software Engineering: Where does it belong?
written by Philippe Gabrini, I.S.P.
(April 12, 2000)
The debate over the “software engineering” issue, which greatly affects the fate of computer science students and IT professionals alike, has engaged CIPS to take a stand as the association representing IT professionals and answer the question: “Where does software engineering belong at Canadian universities?”
Privacy & Information Technology: Implementation & Operational Guidelines
written by John Boufford, I.S.P.
(October 1997)
There is a renewed emphasis among businesses, information technology practitioners, and privacy advocates to deal effectively with the issue of privacy, although each may be approaching the problem from a different perspective.
It’s Just a Matter of Time! The Year 2000 Date Change
written by Frank Farrell
(May 1997)
Since we didn’t know the overall status of our efforts to address the Year 2000 issue, we had little way of knowing what the consequences of failure would be.
Published in Print only:
Position Paper on Interconnection – (February 1977)
Data Processing Implications in the Government Response to the Report on the Sub-committee on the Revision of Copyright – (September 1986)
The Use of Visual Display Terminals in Industry – (May 1987)
Issues Affecting the Information Technology Industry within Free Trade Negotiation between Canada and the United States – (May 1988)
Impact of ISDN on Radio Frequency Planning and Interconnection Requirements – (May 1988)
Managing the Virus Risk – (1989)
Is Canada ready for the 21st Century? – (1989)