Congratulations on Graduating from a CIPS Accredited Program!
To help aid you in your new IT professional career CIPS is providing recent graduates from CIPS Accredited programs with free membership for one year, along with “Candidate Membership” status , which is the start of your journey to obtaining the only IT designation recognized by law* in Canada, the“I.S.P. (Information Systems Professional).
As a CIPS Candidate Member you will also obtain the pre-professional AITP (Associate Information Technology Professional) Designation and can use the post-nominal “AITP” alongside your name. (i.e. John Smith, AITP)

To determine if your program was Accredited by CIPS please Click Here
Only recent graduates of accredited programs in Canada, UAE, and Qatar can use the following application. Applicants from other locations should send an email to to clarify their eligibility.
To obtain your One Year of FREE CIPS Membership, Candidate Member Status, and the AITP Designation please Click Here
* The I.S.P. is legislated as a self-regulating designation in six provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia).