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Business Technology Management Accredited Programs

Business Technology Management Accredited Programs
Note: Due to covid a number of accreditations were delayed over the last few years and some programs listed below may currently be undergoing their accreditation review or have one planned for the near future.
BTM Standard Accreditation
Accreditation is a process of validation in which colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning are evaluated. The standards for accreditation are set by a peer review board whose members include faculty from various educational institutions and industry representatives. The board aids in the evaluation of each potential new school accreditation or the renewals of previously accredited colleges/schools. In order for educational institutions to proceed with the accreditation process smoothly, they must meet the general standards set by the BTM Accreditation Council.
Each educational institution is typically assessed using the following criteria:
• Overall Mission of the College
• Objectives and Goals
• Student Requirements for Admissions
• Services Available to Students
• Quality of Education
• Reputation of Faculty
• Alignment of the curriculum with the BTM learning outcomes and competency standards
Accredited Programs & Accreditation Dates:
Post Secondary Educational Institution and Program(s) | Accreditation Dates |
Concordia University Bachelor of Commerce (BComm) Major in Business Technology Management (BTM) | 2016-2022 |
Red River College Business Technology Management Diploma | 2017-2023 |
Ryerson University Bachelor of Commerce (BComm) Business Technology Management | 2016-2022 |
Simon Fraser University Certificate in Business Technology Management BBA Concentration in Management Information Systems | 2013-2019 |
Université Laval Baccalauréat en administration des affairs Concentration: Gestion des technologies d’affaires | 2016-2022 |
Université du Québec à Rimouski Baccalauréat en administration des affaires Concentration: gestion des technologies d’affaires Baccalauréat par cumul de certificats: GTA + ADM + GRH Baccalauréat par cumul de certificats: GTA + ADM + MRK | 2017-2023 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Bachelor of Business Technology Management | 2015-2021 |
Recognized Programs
Recognition is a desk review of programs that have not yet produced graduates and therefore do not qualify for an accreditation visit. The sole purpose of the evaluation is to provide comment and advice to the institution with respect to the curriculum. The review solely focuses on the alignment of the curriculum to the BTM Learning Outcomes. To be successful, a program needs to demonstrate that it produces learning outcomes that are largely aligned with the BTM Learning Outcomes and Competency Standards. Programs that are successful in the review will be allowed to use the term BTM Recognized on communications for a maximum of four (4) years. No undertaking is given by the as to the eventual accreditation of the program.
Recognized Programs & Recognition Dates:
Post Secondary Educational Institution and Program(s) | Recognition Dates |
Algonquin College Bachelor of Technology Business Systems Development (Honours) (BTM) | 2021-2027 |
Athabasca University Bachelor of Commerce in Business Technology Management | 2016 |
Seneca College Business Technology Management (BTM) | 2021 |
McMaster University Certificate in Business Technology Management (BTM) | 2018 |
University of Calgary Business Technology Management Concentration | 2015 |