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CIPS Saskatchewan Speakers Series 2021-2022
Kathy Macdonald M.O.M., MSc., CPP is a retired police officer with the Calgary Police Service, with almost three decades of investigative and crime prevention experience. She is an online instructor at the University of Calgary, she conducts Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) investigations, and is a popular speaker with the Speaker’s Bureau of Canada. Kathy recently published Cybercrime: Awareness, Prevention, and Response, a comprehensive Canadian resource talking about how cybercrime affects individuals, businesses, governments, institutions, and organizations. ( In 2009, the Governor General of Canada, invested Kathy with the Member of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces, M.O.M., in recognition to her commitment to cybercrime prevention. Kathy was recently awarded one of the Top 20 Women in Cyber Security 2020.
Session: Bulletproofing Our First Line of Defence Against Cybercrime: Awareness, Prevention, and Response
The more we learn about cybercrime and understand why cyber criminals target their victims, the better decisions we can make when we are online. Kathy’s experience in law enforcement and cyber investigations, provide a real-world glimpse into the criminal element of the Internet. She discusses social engineering tactics, techniques and procedures, and how they are deployed by cyber criminals. She discusses the high impact threat from ransomware and spear phishing, and talks about how the recent pandemic has led to an exponential increase in online fraud, extortion, revenge porn, and online sexual exploitation. She speaks about the future of privacy and offers a glimpse into emerging security threats involving IoT devices. Kathy’s actionable advice reminds Internet users that security is everyone’s business, and that it is vital to be proactive online both at home and in the workplace. She offers guidance to professionals and to generalists about how to respond promptly and effectively to many types of cyber-related incidents.
David Papp is a tech pioneer specializing in CyberSecurity & Privacy, Social Media, Blockchain, and Technology Management. He is well-recognized all things tech.
David spends his time helping businesses and individuals embrace technology and thrive in the online world. He appears regularly in the media and online channels to help demystify all things tech.
Session: Future Tech
You wake up in the morning and your self-driving car awaits. It actually belongs to a good friend who places her vehicle in the local pool when she doesn’t need it.
Your replacement truck is being 3D-printed today and you are excited to get the latest model with augmented reality windows. Your friend’s vehicle is taking you to the nearby hyperloop station so you can get day-surgery in an adjacent city for a quick liver transplant that was printed this morning for you.
Way too much partying last weekend in the zero-g flight to Bora Bora… thankfully the surgeon in Singapore had his drone drop off some meds to take the edge off your nerves. You ask your home for a brief report, while your toast is printed and coffee poured, to get the latest weather, sports scores, and a reminder to call your mom.
You hop in the vehicle, your home security activates as it senses you have left, and you open a holo-call telling your mom everything is okay…
Think this far-fetched and won’t happen in your lifetime? Think again!
Apple, Google, Uber, Amazon, Tesla, and many other tech firms have already made huge advancements bringing this to near reality.
How is this all possible and where are we headed?
We live in exponential times where now more than ever g33ks, n3rds, h4x0rs, and techs are in high demand. Technology is key to getting business done! Open your mind to the future and attend this presentation.
Key Insights:
• Where we have been
• Where we are now
• Where we are headed
• What should you do and how can you benefit
December 2nd, 2021:
Future Shock: How to see the opportunities beside the dangers