CIPS Membership Info Webinar (March 27th @ 1pm EDT)
Virtual , CanadaDiscover the Benefits of CIPS Membership! Join us for an engaging session to learn how CIPS, Canada's Association of IT Professionals, can support your career growth and professional development. Whether you're an IT professional, student, academic, or employer, CIPS provides valuable resources, certifications, member benefits, and a strong network to help you succeed. This is also a great opportunity to ask questions about CIPS membership and the how to get certified. REGISTER HERE
CIPS Event: “Mac at Work, Apple Intelligence, and Security”
Virtual , CanadaVirtual Event Presented by CIPS Saskatchewan Mac at Work, Apple Intelligence, and Security Thursday April 17th 2025 @ 12 pm MST / 2 pm EDT First it was iPhone, then iPad, now more and more Mac computers are appearing in enterprises, bringing for some IT professionals new challenges and questions. How do you integrate, manage, and secure Apple devices in your environment while controlling costs? Organizations of all sizes are concerned with security, privacy, and business continuity. How does Apple’s built-in security work, how is Privacy protected with Apple’s AI solutions (Apple Intelligence), and what is Private Cloud Compute? Join…
ICSE 2025 47th International Conference on Software Engineering
Ottawa, ONICSE, the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, is the premier software engineering conference. It will be held April 27-May 3 2025 in Ottawa. Core conference days will be Wednesday April 30 to Friday May 2. 2025 marks the 50th anniversary of ICSE, which was first held in 1975! ICSE provides a forum where researchers, practitioners, and educators gather together to present and discuss research results, innovations, trends, experiences and issues in the field of software engineering. Learn More and Register Here This is an ideal opportunity for CIPS members to learn more about the latest trends in software…