Calendar of Events
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Canadian Cyber Defence Challenge (CCDC)
2021 Canadian Cyber Defence Challenge (CCDC) - Virtual Event This year the CCDC has teamed up with the Vancouver International Privacy & Security Summit (VIPSS) to host our ninth annual cyber defence challenge to be held May 5 - 7, 2021. This year's event will be a completely virtual event challenge. The event activities will be available online to virtual participants/schools registered across the country. This year's event spans three days - coinciding with the virtual conference. The first day will be the online cyber defence range that is integrated with a business forensics study and analysis. The business story…
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DPI Professional Development Week (PDW) – (May 12 & 13, Virtual Event )
May 12 & 13, 2021 - Virtual Event For more than 50 years, DPI has been providing leading edge learning and networking events, and this year’s event promises to provide opportunities to engage, network, knowledge share, learn and grow. This year’s Professional Development Week, being held virtually May 12 & 13, 2021, will continue to bring our delegates a great balance of technology, communication and leadership topics: from building digital capacity and AI to the importance of avoiding burnout and designing for all – inclusion and accessibility. As we all continue to build and navigate roads in our professional careers,…
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Vous voulez en apprendre davantage sur l’intelligence artificielle? Webinaire MODERNISEZ VOTRE CENTRE DE CONTACT Date et heure : 25 mai de 12h à 13h Lieu : virtuel, dans l’application événementielle du Réseau Action TI À IBM, nous considérons qu’un assistant virtuel représente pour les organisations une occasion plus vaste d’offrir un degré beaucoup plus élevé de précision dans le traitement du langage naturel et de favoriser une plus grande confiance dans les résultats. Découvrez les fonctions les plus récentes et les bénéfices de Watson Assistant pour les entreprises et organisations. En savoir plus