My industry experience was as a programmer/analyst for Mutual Life Insurance Company (now SunLife) in the early ‘80s at their corporate head office in Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. Afterwards, I joined Holland College in 1987 where I have been part of a faculty team, which develops and delivers the Computer Information Systems (CIS) Program, specializing in the Computer Programmer/Analyst Profile curriculum.
I obtained the following credentials/designations over the years:
Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS) with a Specialization in Business Data Processing from Acadia University in 1983.
Learning Management (LM) Diploma from Holland College in 1989.
CIPS ~ Information Systems Professional (ISP) designation in 2001.
Master of Science in Information Systems (MSc. IS) from Athabasca University in 2005.
CIPS ~ Information Technology Certified Professional (ITCP) in 2009.
CIPS highlights since 2001, are:
Member of CIPS PEI Board of Directors since 2001.
Assisted in the transition from CIPS PEI Section to CIPS PEI Chapter.
CIPS PEI Vice-president (2 years), President (2 years), and Past-President (2 years) during my board of directors’ period.
Member of CIPS ISTAC in early 2000 for 8 years serving as council chairman for 6 of those years.
Participated in CIPS Strategic Planning session in 2012 at CIPS head office in Toronto.
Participated in over 20 college program accreditation site audits as both team member and team lead, since 2001.
Participate in 4 international ISTAC program accreditation audits (4 in Qatar, 3 in United Arab Emirates), since 2007.
CIPS Director of Accreditations since 2021
Seoul Accord Deputy-Chair since 2023
Speaker at the ASIIN European Informatics Conference in Valentina, Spain – December 2023
Holland College career highlights:
College curriculum delivery modality transition/implementation project team member.
Member of the Pension Advisory Committee.
Travelled to three colleges in China under the ACCC Joint Venture Agreement to assess college technical and faculty ability to deliver Holland College CIS on-line program.
Holland College Board of Governors faculty representative (severed two terms).
Three-year secondment to the Computer Studies Department Program Manager position.
Represented faculty during three collective agreement negotiations rounds.
I reside in a rural community called Lot 16 in Prince Edward Island with my wife Debbie a high school vice-principal, where we have raised our three children (Tyler, Danielle, Mitchell). In the summer of 2013 all three children married, and 9 months later our grand-children started to arrive. We have been blessed with nine grand-children to love. Eight are here with us on Earth, and one our grand-daughter Charlotte is watching over all of us from Heaven as “God needed more angels the day she was born.”