
Hans G. Bathija, FCIPS

President, BathijaTan 

-> 25+ years delivering pioneering, enterprise, critical & complex IS/IT initiatives for governments and the private sector, working with companies such as Amex, BMO, CIBC, EDS, IBM, Loblaws, Oracle, RBC, Reuters, SAS, Scotiabank, Sun Microsystems, TD & Xerox, and with the Government of Canada, Province of Ontario, City of Toronto & Payments Canada

Partner, Shadow Factory

-> pioneers in immersive content (AR/VR) development

Partner, Polka Dot Beaver

-> branding and design agency

President, HGB Gallery

Former inaugural National Delivery Head-Canada, Wipro Technologies

Former inaugural Academic Head, Centennial College Picasso School of Digital Animation (New Delhi, India)

Board director, CIPS Ontario (2022-present)

Secretary, ACM SIGGRAPH Toronto Chapter


Member, ACM US Technology Policy Committee

Early Career Adopter, BCS Canada

IT Leaders Forum, BCS

Founder & Chair, International IP Commercialization Council GTA Chapter

Member, Worshipful Company of Information Technologists Information Security Panel and Ethical & Spiritual Panel

Advisor, KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation

Former member, Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) Nomination Committee

Former Observer, ICANN NA Advisory Panel

Former Peer Reviewer, Canada Foundation for Innovation

Former Advisor, City of Toronto Digital Infrastructure Plan Community Advisory Group

President (2024-2025), Rotary Club of Internet & Innovation London Peace Envoys

Board director, Ontario Historical Society

Board director, NATO Association of Canada 

Board member (former Chair), St. John Ambulance Toronto Region 

Member, St. John Council for Ontario Standards Committee

Member (former Co-Chair), Toronto Police Services 14 Division Community Police Liaison Committee

Foreign Student Liaison, Canadian Forces College

Guard, City of Toronto Honour Guard 

Judge, Warriors’ Day Parade

Town Crier, City of Toronto

Member, Duke of Edinburgh Award Ontario Local Council

Advisor, Crown Society of Canada

Key Music Leader Canada, Commonwealth Resounds

Member, Wavestage Theatre Company

Member, Worshipful Company of International Bankers Membership Committee

Mentor, King’s Trust Canada, Toronto Regional Immigrant Employment Council & Worshipful Company of Stationers & Newspaper Makers

Past Master, Honourable Company of Freemen of the City of London of North America

Past Chair, Freemen of North America Trust

Former board director, Royal Canadian Military Institute

Former board director, Science for Peace

Honours & Recognition

Fellow, Canadian Information Processing Society (2024)

St. John Chancellor’s Commendation (2024)

Fellow, Zoological Society of London (2024)

Royal Commonwealth Society Coronation Medal (2023)

St. John Provincial Commendation (2023)

Ontario Volunteer Service Award, Province of Ontario (2022) 

Taisho (General), Order of the Scottish Samurai (2022) 

Community Service Award, Chris Glover, MPP, Spadina-Fort York (2022) 

Fellow, Royal Geographical Society (2022) 

Fellow, Royal Society of Public Health (2021)

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (2021)

Fellow, British Computer Society (2020)

Fellow, Royal Society of the Arts (2019) 

Fellow, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Northern Ireland (2018)

Outstanding Asian Canadian, Canadian Multicultural Council-Asians in Ontario (2018) 

Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Glendon College, York University (1998)
