Director of Strategy & Architecture for Information Systems, TransCanada Corporation
31 years of experience in Information Systems for the energy industry
An active participant in IT forums for the development and promotion of quality standards and practices, research, certification, and professional development
Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Calgary
Director-At-Large, CIPS National Board of Directors 2012-present
CIPS representative to the Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations (FEAPO), a worldwide association of professional organizations which provide a forum to standardize, professionalize and advance the discipline of Enterprise Architecture (EA) 2012-present
Past Chair of the CIPS National Board (Canadian Council of Information Technology Professionals – CCITP) 2009-2012
Alberta Director on the CIPS National Board of Directors 2008-2009
CIPS Calgary Section President 2005-2006
Member of the CIPS Governance Committee 2005-2008
Member of the Airdrie Flying Club
Secretary and Alberta representative, Canadian Owners Pilots Association
Trekker has received the following awards and recognitions: