Have your University or College IT programs reviewed and accredited by CIPS today!

CIPS has many responsibilities under its mandate, one of which is to develop and maintain standards in educational qualifications that provide an appropriate foundation for those who wish to follow a career in computing or information systems. 

As part of this responsibility CIPS undertakes a program of visits to universities and college/technical institutes to review computing and information technology related programs.

Accredited Programs

Why CIPS Accreditation?

New to Accreditation

Programs we Accredit

Eligibility Requirements

Request for Accreditation

CIPS Accreditation Overview Webcast (Oct 24th 2024):

Evolution Review (colleges only)

Joint Accreditation CTAB (colleges only)

Accreditation Governance

Accreditation Process


Self-Study Report

During the Accreditation Process

On Site Visit

Response Period

Decision and Notification

Accreditation Fees

Accreditation Criteria and Policies

Program Evaluators


For further information please contact us at accreditation@cips.ca