Canadian Cyber Defence Challenge (CCDC)
Virtual , Canada2021 Canadian Cyber Defence Challenge (CCDC) - Virtual Event This year the CCDC has teamed up with the Vancouver International Privacy & Security Summit (VIPSS) to host our ninth annual cyber defence challenge to be held May 5 - 7, 2021. This year's event will be a completely virtual event challenge. The event activities will be available online to virtual participants/schools registered across the country. This year's event spans three days - coinciding with the virtual conference. The first day will be the online cyber defence range that is integrated with a business forensics study and analysis. The business story…
DPI Professional Development Week (PDW) – (May 12 & 13, Virtual Event )
Virtual , CanadaMay 12 & 13, 2021 - Virtual Event For more than 50 years, DPI has been providing leading edge learning and networking events, and this year’s event promises to provide opportunities to engage, network, knowledge share, learn and grow. This year’s Professional Development Week, being held virtually May 12 & 13, 2021, will continue to bring our delegates a great balance of technology, communication and leadership topics: from building digital capacity and AI to the importance of avoiding burnout and designing for all – inclusion and accessibility. As we all continue to build and navigate roads in our professional careers,…
Vous voulez en apprendre davantage sur l’intelligence artificielle? Webinaire MODERNISEZ VOTRE CENTRE DE CONTACT Date et heure : 25 mai de 12h à 13h Lieu : virtuel, dans l’application événementielle du Réseau Action TI À IBM, nous considérons qu’un assistant virtuel représente pour les organisations une occasion plus vaste d’offrir un degré beaucoup plus élevé de précision dans le traitement du langage naturel et de favoriser une plus grande confiance dans les résultats. Découvrez les fonctions les plus récentes et les bénéfices de Watson Assistant pour les entreprises et organisations. En savoir plus
Digital Transformation in Government Conference
Virtual , CanadaThe 2nd Annual Digital Transformation in Government (DTiG) Conference is hosted by the ISACA Ottawa Valley Chapter, the University of Ottawa and the Association of Enterprise Architects (AEA) and is conducted in partnership with the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS), and the International Institute for Business Analysis (IIBA). The conference brings together government professionals, private sector practitioners, and academia to share experiences, innovation and emerging standards and technologies in support of both government digital transformation (strategic effectiveness) and digitization (operational efficiency) initiatives. Attendees will be able to claim CPEs, PDUs, or CEUs. A COBIT 2019 course will also be held…
IFIP Networking Conference 2021
Digital Twin for Cyber-physical Production Systems (#ifip60 Event)
Virtual , Canada13 September 14.00-15.15 CEST Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are one of the pillars for the new industrial revolution, which is marked by the decentralization of production processes as well as the proliferation of interconnected intelligent devices throughout the production and logistics chain. Embedded computers and networks monitor and control the physical processes with feedback loops in which physical processes affect computations and vice versa. An industrial automation system is an example of CPS where computational elements control and automate the execution of physical processes in industrial plants. Thus, it is clear the need to connect physical objects to information associated with…
Data Champions Online, Canada 2021
Data Champions Online, Canada & Executive Think Tanks will be bringing together senior executives from the data and analytics world on September 21st, 2021. This application-only event guarantees that the conversations taking place will be enriching and productive. Additionally, it will give attendees the unique opportunity to dive deep into the specific hurdles the industry in Canada is faced with and engage in what others have done. DCO Canada & Executive Think Tanks will allow qualified attendees the opportunity to make long-lasting connections with their true peers. Request your free VIP pass today!
Strategic Collaboration of Certification and Education on Data Science (#ifip60 Event)
Virtual , Canada27 September 15.00-16.15 CEST This session will introduce recent developments around the globe in education and certification in data science. The COVID-19 pandemic has propelled digital transformations such as online education and telework. Such digital technology can accelerate mutual collaboration among data science educators, leading to an ecosystem suitable for providing data science training for people at all skill levels. More information and registration link are available here CIPS Certified Members – Attend and Earn Re-Certification Credits!
IFIP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct: A Document for its Time (#ifip60 Event)
Virtual , Canada4 October 15:00-16.15 CEST In this session, some of the creators of the IFIP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct will gather to talk about the Code’s importance. In today’s rapidly transforming digital landscape, it is vital to set explicit boundaries and outline clear values. To quote from the Code’s preamble: “The entire computing profession benefits when the ethical decision-making process is accountable to and transparent to all stakeholders. Open discussions about ethical issues promote this accountability and transparency. More information and registration link are available here CIPS Certified Members – Attend and Earn Re-Certification Credits!
Decision Making for a Sustainable Global Society (#ifip60 Event)
Virtual , CanadaDecision Making for a Sustainable Global Society 11 October 13:00-14:15 CEST This session will consider individual, organisational, governmental, and societal decision making and how the decisions made by each of these stakeholders’ affect global sustainability. With the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) at the heart of the conversation, our aim is to reflect on decision making, decision support and decision support systems (DSS) over the last 60 years and consider new opportunities to innovate and disrupt in order to enable and achieve a more resilient, sustainable society. More information and registration link are available here