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Do you have the minimum required years of IT professional work experience listed below?
Yes = Apply under the ITCP “Education Plus Experience Route”
No = Apply for I.S.P. Certification First
The following lists the required years of IT professional based on your IT education. To determine if your program was Accredited by CIPS please visit:*.
Education | Minimum years of Professional Experience at SFIA Level 4 | Plus: – Demonstrated understanding of how I.T. fits within the organization model; – 2 years of recent demonstrated capability to operate at SFIA Level 5; – 2 years of recent demonstrated competence at SFIA Level 5 in one or more areas I.T. specialization |
Accredited 4-year University (C.Sc. or S.E.) | 1 | √ |
Accredited 4-year University (Interdisciplinary Programs) | 6 | √ |
Accredited 3-year University (C.Sc. or S.E.) | 2 | √ |
Non-accredited 4-year University Degree (Computer Science, Software Engineering, M.I.S.) | 3 | √ |
Non-accredited 3 year University Degree (Computer Science, Software Engineering, M.I.S.) | 5 | √ |
Accredited 3-year College/Technical Program | 3 | √ |
Accredited 2-year College/Technical Program | 4 | √ |
Non-accredited 3-year Public/Private College/Technical Program | 5 | √ |
Non-accredited 2-year College/Technical Program | 6 | √ |
Accredited one-year post-graduate I.T. program | 6 | √ |
ICCP Examinations Leading to CCP (or equivalent) | 4 | √ |
British Computer Society (BCS) Diploma Level Exams | 4 | √ |
British Computer Society (BCS) Professional Graduate Level Exams | 3 | √ |
*Applicants who have graduated from an accredited IT program recognized under the Seoul Accord are also recognized as accredited.