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Seoul Accord delegates convene in Taiwan – CIPS’ Gerald Caissy elected Deputy Chair

The Seoul Accord Annual General Meeting occurred on June 17th and 18th 2023 in the city of Taichung in Taiwan. Delegates representing their respective country and computer science professional societies were in attendance. The Accord is comprised of 9 full-signatory countries and 7 provisional-signatory countries.
Highlights of the meeting included the adoption of a revised professional undergraduate and graduate credential Graduate Attribute criteria, and the recognition, by all signatories, of the technologist credential Graduate Attribute criteria.
The CIPS National Director of Accreditation, Gerald Caissy I.S.P., FCIPS, was also elected Deputy Chair of the Accord. A big congratulations to Gerald!
The next Seoul Accord meeting will be held June 2024 in New Delhi, India.
Full-Signatories are: Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States
Provisional-Signatories are: Ireland, New Zealand, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia.
CIPS accredited programs are recognized under the Seoul Accord, which is a multi-lateral agreement among global agencies responsible for the accreditation and recognition of tertiary-level computing education. Because of the universally essential nature of computer applications and the mobility of professionals across jurisdictional boundaries, there is a need to identify academic programs that adequately prepare graduates for entry into a computing profession based on generally recognized knowledge and abilities across countries and other jurisdictional boundaries. Toward this end, the Seoul Accord has established a mechanism for recognizing the equivalence of accredited educational qualifications in the development of computing professionals. The Seoul Accord provides for mutual recognition of graduates of accredited programs among the signatories of the accord.
Learn more about the Seoul Accord at: