Connect with Canada's IT Professionals:
Presented by CIO Association of Canada, a CIPS Partner February 1, 2024 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM (EST) Description 2023 may have been the year Artificial Intelligence moved into the mainstream, but 2024 will quickly become the year where it is deployed for business, at scale. One of the first, most immediate lessons has been to ensure AI is embedded in the long-term strategy, with safety at the top of mind for the decision makers. At this CIO Association of Canada event on February 1st, you will hear from IBM AI leaders that have already embedded AI into their client…
Amazon YYZ & TECHNATION Canada Present: Join us for a powerful conversation on “Black is Building: Black Leaders and Entrepreneurs” Explore, Connect, Celebrate – Witness the transformative power of diversity in tech, entrepreneurship and entertainment. TECHNATION and Amazon are joining forces to spotlight diversity and leadership in entrepreneurship, entertainment and technology. Event Details: When: Tuesday, February 27, 2024 Where: Amazon Toronto Tech Hub – YYZ 16 Office Venue: Scotia Plaza – 40 King Street West, 47th Floor
Today’s smart cities are dependent on their digital infrastructure. What makes them great places to live and play also makes them more vulnerable. Their digital services and infrastructure make them prime targets for cyber attacks, potential theft of personal data and more. Smart cities must be resilient and cyber-safe. And this is no longer just an information technology problem. It’s a challenge that everyone must share. Join ITWC for this specially focused Technicity Satellite Series event. In just ninety minutes we’ll bring you up to date on key issues, threats and above all, ways to keep safe, secure and resilient.…
On Thursday March 21st at 7pm MT Edmonton Tech Connect is hosting CIPS Alberta's Sabina Posadziejewski, I.S.P., ITCP who will introduce the upcoming CIPS Alberta mentorship program for immigrants. Edmonton Tech Connect is a tech community in Edmonton for Africans who are involved with or want to get into tech space. Join this webinar to learn about Edmonton Tech Connect and this great new CIPS Alberta program. About the Speaker: Sabina Posadziejewski, MBA, COES, BRMP, CGEIT, I.S.P, ITCP is a seasoned executive leader in Information Management and Technology (IMT), having served both the public and private sectors. This included a…
From March 25th to 27th CIPS will be hosting IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) for their annual board meeting in Toronto, Ontario. On Monday March 25th (8am - 4:30pm ET) there will be a joint CIPS IFIP workshop on: “How can IT be used to address societal issues especially as regards to the environment and global warming. How can we in Canada create and foster conditions that stimulate the creation of new companies intent on making the world a “healthier” place.” The annual IFIP board meeting will then take place on March 26th and 27th.
The Professional Development Summit was founded in 2008, as a joint venture of CIPS, IIBA, and CMC. The Professional Development Summit, is an event that is a collaborative approach to increasing our region’s competitive advantage: a highly skilled ICT workforce! PDS is a volunteer, community-led conference, leveraging local expertise to support the growth of our region’s ICT workforce focusing on Innovation, Technology, Management and Leadership topics. It is jointly presented by five organizations: Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS); Canadian Association of Management Consultants (CMC); Digital Nova Scotia (DNS); International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA); and the Project Management Institute (PMI). Learn…
The annual AI for Good Global Summit, the leading UN platform for dialogue on AI, will be held in Geneva from 30-31 May 2024. Organized by ITU and co-convened with the Government of Switzerland, the summit will explore AI’s potential to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals. Register here to play your part in helping to shape the future of AI together!