Digital Leadership – Attract, Develop & Retain Your Top Tech Talent
Virtual , CanadaJoin CIPS and SkillsTx on Tuesday May 3rd at 12pm ET for the live webinar: "Digital Leadership – Attract, Develop & Retain Your Top Tech Talent" Overview: Our world has become increasing dependent on digital technology. But no matter how clever we are with the technology, we are still dependent on people with various skills, competencies, and experience for everything we do. With the growing dependency on technology in nearly every industry, it’s no surprise that people with the required skills and competencies are in high demand, and many organizations are experiencing skills shortages. Please join SFIA Accredited Consultant, Matthew…
DPI Professional Development Week (PDW)
PDW 2022 May 11 to 13, 2022 Theme: “People-Driven, Data-Fuelled, Service-Oriented” For more than 50 years, DPI has captured the voice of the public sector IM, IT, and Digital community, and this year is no different. Over the past two years, our industries have faced big challenges throughout the COVID-19 pandemic as they made the pivot to virtual services for Canadians, virtual work for employees, and the rapid development of pandemic-focused services. Our annual Professional Development Week will be held via a hybrid model on May 11-13, 2022. This means we will be back at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa…
IFIP IIP2022 – 12th International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing
IIP2022 - 12th International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing IIP2022, May 27-30, 2022, Qingdao, China The IFIP IIP conference series provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, university and industry to present their latest research findings in any aspects of intelligent information processing. IIP2022 attempts to meet the needs of a large and diverse community. Topics of IIP2022 include, but are not limited to: Automatic reasoning Big data mining Bioinformatics Brain-machine systems Business intelligence Cloud computing Cognitive Modeling Computational intelligence Computer vision Constraints and satisfiability Cross-media mining Deep learning Evolutionary computation Game theory Granular computing Image processing Information…
SITIC AFRICA ABIDJAN 2022 – Join Canadian IT Companies in Africa!
Canadian IT companies are going beyond their borders and heading to Africa! Organized by the African Digital Opportunity association, join the Canadian Information Technology sector in Abidjan at SITIC AFRICA on May 30, 31, June 1 2022! Since the creation of the African Digital Opportunity Association in 2018, the work to raise awareness among Canadian IT companies and the sector associations that represent them has been initiated to enable these companies to access promising markets outside borders. The efforts have been concentrated on Africa for obvious reasons, e.g., a pool of young, dynamic, competent labor, important projects financed by…
IFIP Networking Conference
The Networking series of conferences is the International Conference on Networking organized by the IFIP Technical Committee on Communication Systems (TC6) initiated in 2000. IFIP Networking Conference IFIP Networking Conference is technically sponsored by IFIP TC6 (Technical Committee on Communication Systems). Published papers are available in the IFIP Digital Library. The main objectives of Networking are to bring together members of the networking community from both academia and industry, to discuss recent advances in the broad and quickly-evolving fields of computer and communication networks, and to highlight key issues, identify trends, and develop visions for the networking domain. Learn More at
Digital Transformation in Government (DTiG) Conference 2022 (Virtual)
Virtual , CanadaDigital Transformation in Government (DTiG) Conference (3rd Annual) When: June 14-16, 2022 Where/Cost: Virtual. see Pricing (Early Bird pricing ends May 13, 2022) Website: Conference Agenda/Overview: Click Here Registration: Register on Cvent This year's conference brings together government professionals, non-government agencies, private sector practitioners, and academia to share experiences, innovation and emerging standards and technologies in support of both government digital transformation (strategic effectiveness) and digitization (operational efficiency) initiatives. Attendees will be able to claim up to 30 CPEs, PDUs, or CEUs. Conference Format: There will be three days (June 14-16, 2022) of sessions in both plenary and stream mode. All presentations will be recorded and available…
COBIT & SFIA: The Most Important Component to a Governance System – People
COBIT & SFIA: The Most Important Component to a Governance System - People!" with Mark Thomas Thursday, July 7, 2022 at 11:00am EST - Live Webinar With today’s high-velocity technology and digitally transforming environments, it is no surprise that we are seeing the re-emergence of governance as a top priority in many enterprises. Organizations often make the mistake of jumping right to the tools, processes, and policies to presumably fix their governance concerns when they should be focusing on their most important component - people. This webinar will explore how to leverage two global frameworks, COBIT and SFIA (Skills Framework…
36th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (Newark, NJ)
DBSec is an annual international conference covering research in data and applications security and privacy. The 36th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2022) will be held in Newark, NJ, USA, on July 18th - July 20th 2022. The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. High-quality original novel research from academia, industry, and government presenting on all theoretical and practical aspects of information security are accepted on topics including, but are not limited to: access control knowledge discovery and privacy security and privacy in the Internet of Things anonymity methodologies…
July 28, 2022 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET Join IT World Canada for a 120-minute celebration of Canada's Top Women in Cyber Security. The event will honour 20 women who were nominated by their peers as part of an annual initiative produced by IT World Canada (ITWC) in association with the Canadian Women in Security Forum and the Women in Security and Resilience Alliance (WISECRA). In addition to short video profiles of the women selected for the honour roll, the celebration will include a panel discussion, an opportunity to download related whitepapers, and the chance to visit sponsor breakout…
The Connection Between Skills and Employee Experience
Virtual , CanadaAbout The Webinar One of the key positive aspects of employee experience is the opportunity to learn and grow. But how does an organization decide how to provide those opportunities without knowing what skills employees currently possess and which are needed for the next improvement? Skills assessments and skills inventories are becoming increasingly important. Dynamic, self-organizing teams, organizational agility, and the velocity of change make a skills inventory increasingly important. Learning company Kineo says, "Personal development on the job entails providing a skills framework to help employees understand their strengths and weaknesses and have a clear path to move on to…